D&D Generators
Law & Punishment
Every campaign world is different, and each kingdom and/or race may have their own ways of dealing with crime & punishment. Below are several legal doctrines that you can use in your campaigns. If you feel the laws in these templated doctrines are too strict or too lenient, you can EDIT each set of rules by clicking the red "Edit These Laws" button at the bottom of the page.
Many of these laws are based on historical laws, and the punishments may be very different than modern times (example: theft was punishable by chopping off a hand in some regions). Laws were also quite sexist in our past, especially in patriarical societies. When running a campaign, you will want to weigh all these factors, and stray away from laws that will get your party killed quickly. In additon, it is important to note, prisons were historically very rare because communities did not want to pay for their costs and upkeep, and comminities preferred quick and decisive punishments, like mutilation.