Gods & Demigods


(pronounced BLAIR-ed)
The Iron Mule
Lesser Deity
Bleredd is the god of metals of all kinds, but above all, he is the god of the process of creating metallic objects: extraction, refining and shaping. He taught iron-working to the Oeridians and his worship has spread throughout the Flanaess.

He cares little for talk, preferring to work in his shop and fashion metal works of art; he created many of the weapons his pantheon uses. His hammer Fury is thought to be the inspiration for the first hammers of thunderbolts forged by humans. Occasionally he accepts small groups of students and unlocks the gift of mastering metal in them. His holy symbol is an iron mule, reflecting his patience and endurance.

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

Bleredd is an Oeridian God primarily worshiped by gnomes, dwarves, and humans.

Bleredd's clerics explore caverns for good ore, hammer out iron for the pleasure of creating, and search out sources of meteoric iron, mithral, and adamantine. They also travel to find new students, teach the smith-crafts, and develop better ways of doing their work.

Priests of Bleredd may emphasize one of three aspects: mining (and refining), smithing (weaponsmithing and armoring), or crafting (blacksmithing, creation of jewelry, etching, and the like). Each sect emphasizes its aspect in the role of creating objects from base metals.

A priest of Bleredd must belong to one of three sects: the Miners who are responsible for finding mining sites and mining/refining ore; the Crafters who are responsible for responsible for creating objects of beauty and practical use (metal goods, jewelry, etching, etc.); and the Smiths who are responsible for forging metal weapons and metallic armors. Each sect emphasizes its aspect in the role of creating objects from base metals.

Priests of Bleredd must promote the use and production of various metals. In any case all are gifted in the production of various metallic objects which they sell to finance research into more exotic alloys, object designs, and the like.

Almost all of Bleredds's priests are male. Most are human, but dwarf, gnome, half-elf and elf priests exist as well.


As many of Bleredd's priests are miners, crafters and smiths, so most wear clothing similar to such tradesmen. Most common apparel includes brown hardened leather aprons, usually with the god's symbol etched into the leather somewhere.


The cult is divided into three branches of unequal importance (miners, blacksmiths, craftsmen) but between which there is no rivalry . On the contrary, the priests exchange their knowledge and actively cooperate to carry out their various missions as well as possible.


Most of Belredd's temples are simple consecrated forges, often built near mines to minimize the transportation of ore to the forge.


Religious services usually involve heating a forge. Participants sing in choir, to the very rhythmic sound of music made with bells, gongs and hammers.


The earth's gifts are there for the taking, and creating a perfect suit of armor or flawless weapon is a goal to which all war-crafters should aspire. Mining and smithy-work is not for the weak, so those who worship Bleredd should be strong in mind and body, for a weak will forges a weak weapon. Anyone with the talent for this craft should be taught it, and those who keep secret more efficient or effective ways of finding or working metal will be punished.

Appearance, Manifestations

Bleredd is a short, broad-shouldered male with bulging muscles. He is wearing a long brown leather apron with a light colored tunic and breeches underneath. He has wavy gray hair and a long beard, tied at the bottom with a leather strap. He appears to be the race of whoever is looking at him (for example, a dwarf will see a dwarf, a human will see a human). He is usually depicted behind an anvil, with a serious look on his face, hard at work. His mighty warhammer Fury is always close by.

Relationships & History

Bleredd is an ascended mortal sponsored by Moradin, and is the husband of Ulaa (the priests of Bleredd have an unwavering bond with those of Ulaa).
Quick Descriptions:
Bleredd is a short, broad-shouldered male, typically wearing a long brown leather apron with a light colored tunic and breeches underneath. He has wavy gray hair and a long beard, tied at the bottom with a leather strap. He appears to be the race of whoever is looking at him. In his hand is a mighty warhammer.
Bleredd's temple is a sturdy stone building located near the ore refinery, and down the road from the town's mine. The building is made of beautifully crafted stone, intricately carved, with tall windows flanked by masterwork statues. The amazing craftsmanship seems oddly out of place in this mining town. As you enter, a wave of heat rushes through the doorway. A large forge near the back lights the entire 50'x50' room. In front of the forge is an enormous anvil, which doubles as an altar (when needed). Archways to the left and right lead to other areas of the temple. You can hear several hammers clanging in the distance, almost in a harmonious rhythm.
Bleredd's priest is a stocky human, with a large upper-body. He has wavy dark hair, which he has pulled back and tied in a bun on his head. His face is covered in stubble. He has on a tan tunic under a hard leather apron. Various smithy tools hand from a belt at his waist.
The Symbol of Bleredd - Iron mule
Symbol: Iron mule
God Alignment: N
Worshipers Alignment
Forge, Light, Craft
Labor, craft
Gnomes, dwarves, humans
Plane: Bytopia (Golden Hills)
Weapon: Warhammer
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