Tavern and Menu Generator

Tavern & Menu Generator

Create Tavern Menus
Below is a randomly generated menu. Customize
Menu Options   Tavern Locale: Grassland, Forest, Ocean / Salt Water   Tavern Quality: Comfortable   |   Food: Meat & Vegetables   |   Show Monsters: Chance of Some

The Sheep's Sleep

You approach the calm welcoming painted Tavern.
        As you open the perfectly smooth tavern door you are welcomed by a moderate gathering of patrons. It seems just as welcoming inside as it does from the outside. Hanging lanterns illuminate the room and standing behind the polished wooden bar is a skinny 6'3" human male with an oval face, long, curled, silver hair, with a medium squared beard, green eyes, and silky, pockmarked, golden skin. He is wearing a hunter green shirt, and loose white pants.
        Between you and the bartender is a host of sturdy wooden high top tables, to the left is a hearth with a roaring flame within, and to the left is a long staircase.


Roasted White-Winged Dove

Roasted white-winged dove smothered in a blue cheese dressing
- 5 sp -

White-Winged Dove Wings

White-winged dove wings cooked in a rich peppermint sauce
- 5 sp -

Breaded Triggerfish

Breaded triggerfish served with baked grapes and a sliver of cornbread bread
- 4 sp -

Fried Wahoo

Fried wahoo cooked in a velvety sun-dried tomato butter served with a piece of sourdough bread
- 4 sp -

Pea Porridge

Pea porridge with baked snow peas served with a chunk of cheddar cheese
- 4 sp -

Marinated Ettercap

Marinated ettercap sauteed in a light white sauce
- 1 sp -


Green Honeydew Ale - 1 sp
Singing Banshee Stout - 1 sp
Lover's Kiss Ale - 4 cp
Blonde Mango Lager - 4 cp
Rubrock Mead - 4 cp
Prancing Panther Pilsner - 4 cp


Tart Papaya Dessert Wine - 2 sp
Siren's Song - 1 sp
Centaur Dry Grass Wine - 2 cp


Sour Peach Vodka - 1 sp
Elven Absinth - 1 sp
Steam Mephit Smoking Vodka - 2 cp
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Farkas Shields | Human Innkeeper
Farkas Shields is a skinny 6'3" human male with an oval face, long, curled, silver hair, with a medium squared beard, green eyes, and silky, pockmarked, golden skin. He is wearing a hunter green shirt, and loose white pants.
Str: 10 (0); Dex: 9 (-1); Con: 9 (-1);
Int: 11 (0); Wis: 11 (0); Cha: 11 (0);
AC: 9; HP: 7
Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1


Jonatan Yaeger | Human Server
Jonatan Yaeger is a regular 6'4" human male with a round face, a long, golden mohawk, brown eyes, and silky, chocolate skin. He is wearing a billowy brown shirt, and loose white pantaloons.
Str: 12 (+1); Dex: 6 (-2); Con: 10 (0);
Int: 10 (0); Wis: 13 (+1); Cha: 10 (0);
AC: 8; HP: 8
Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2


(3-8 Random Patrons)
Valdri Marblecraft | Rock Gnome Monk (lev 1)
Valdri Marblecraft is a lean 3'9" rock gnome male with an oval face, short, straight, red hair, brown eyes, and smooth, pockmarked, white skin. He is wearing a woolen robe with a rope belt.
Str: 10 (0); Dex: 14 (+2); Con: 15 (+2);
Int: 14 (+2); Wis: 12 (+1); Cha: 14 (+2);
AC: 12; HP: 10
Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1
Ebard Chaucer | Half-Elf Pickpocket
Ebard Chaucer is a beefy 6'2" half-elf male with a round face, cropped, wavy, red hair, brown eyes, and silky, green skin. He is wearing a filthy brown tunic, and loose brown pants.
Str: 14 (+2); Dex: 12 (+1); Con: 13 (+1);
Int: 9 (-1); Wis: 9 (-1); Cha: 10 (0);
AC: 11; HP: 3
Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)
Beorht Woodard | Human Cleric (lev 2)
Beorht Woodard is a regular 5'2" human male with a soft face, short, wavy, gray hair, with a medium goatee, blue eyes, and rough, pockmarked, chocolate skin. He is wearing a finely crafted grey robe.
Str: 12 (+1); Dex: 10 (0); Con: 14 (+2);
Int: 12 (+1); Wis: 17 (+3); Cha: 10 (0);
AC: 10; HP: 20
Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2
Zasit Topazspear | Hill Dwarf Diplomat
Zasit Topazspear is a regular 4'4" hill dwarf male with an edgy face, a extremely long, white mohawk, with a gigantic beard, cyan eyes, and rough, pink skin. He is wearing a finely crafted white tunic, and baggy grey pantaloons.
Str: 14 (+2); Dex: 5 (-3); Con: 15 (+2);
Int: 13 (+1); Wis: 11 (0); Cha: 14 (+2);
AC: 7; HP: 5
Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3


(40% chance)
Ellell Winters | Human Bard (lev 2)
Ellell Winters is a regular 5'7" human female with a round face, long, curled, blond hair, blue eyes, and rough, sunburned, tan skin. She is wearing a pink tunic with blue tassles.
Str: 17 (+3); Dex: 14 (+2); Con: 15 (+2);
Int: 12 (+1); Wis: 13 (+1); Cha: 16 (+3);
AC: 12; HP: 16
Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)

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