A random Halfling name generator for fantasy roleplaying games such as D&D.
D&D Generators

Halfling Name Generator

Tigurga Rumblekin

Below is a list of Halfling. Halflings are often peaceful and live in agrarian communities, as such their surnames often relate to farming, the home and comfort.

Male Halfling Names Female Halfling Names

Wellby Weedfurrow
Tarzin Tookbloom
Korras Kallobutton
Milo Meadowfield
Wenhorn Whimblehop
Oshace Overhill
Seredoc Smokebloom
Giles Gooldtingle
Junayd Jallisall
Odger Oakworth
Samwise Sire
Zaltran Zaragamba
Abban Applewort
Barran Boffwood
Magnus Mugbottom
Flambard Fairhopper
Ril Riverbridge
Tolman Tookstream
Adalgrim Arnfield
Faolan Figthorn
Cedivar Chubbtangle
Gundolpho Goodburrow
Honiahaka Hedgevine
Theodoric Tooktook
Tomkin Teawood
Pimpernell Proudshire
Merace Magthorn
Caligula Clappweed
Rordan Rumbranch
Bilcuzal Burrowshire
Orikin Oversniff
Vraldim Vlibrusbird
Orgulas Oakbutton
Hewitt Hillwort
Ricras Riverbush
Orson Oldfoot
Iago Oldfoot
Baryas Bannbun
Pacatian Pufflock
Roderic Rootfoot

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