Below are a list of common stronghold spells with a cost to cast the original spell, optional information on casting a permanent version of the spell (DM discretion), and related magic items (for quests).
Cost † (Regular)
Cost ‡ (Permanancy)
Rel. Magic Item *
Cost (Regular Casting):
10 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
500 gp
Related Magic Item:
Sending Stones (DMG p199)
Level: 1
Spellcasters: Ranger, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 10 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 500 gp
Spell Details: Alarm (PHB p211)
This spell is useful for alerting you when an intruder enters restricted or protected areas. The alarm spell can be cast on an object or an area. If a password is not uttered, and a creature enters the area (or touches the object), an alarm goes off (silent or audible) notifying you mentally (within 1 mile). This spell is very useful for protecting treasures and vaults. Once the alarm is triggered, the spell is useless and can not be reset — it must be recast if a new alarm needs to be placed.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A permanent version of this spell can be cast that allows the alarm to be reset once it is triggered.
Cost (Regular Casting):
90 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Arcane Lock
Level: 2
Spellcasters: Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 90 gp
Spell Details: Arcane Lock (PHB p215)
This spell is extremely useful for protecting areas and valuables. Once cast, a magical lock is placed on a door, chest or other object that can open, and makes breaking or picking a lock more difficult. The lock requires a password to suppress the spell for 1 minute. This spell is active until dispelled, so the spell does not need to be recast when a chest is open.
Cost (Regular Casting):
2840 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Level: 8
Spellcasters: Wizard
Cost to Cast: 2840 gp
Spell Details: Clone (PHB p222)
While the clone spell doesn't really help a stronghold, wealthy and powerful stronghold owners often employ powerful wizards to cast this spell in case something treacherous happens to their body. The spell creates a cloned duplicate of the creature's body, that is stored inside a Medium sized vat or container. Upon death of the original body, the soul is transferred to the clone. Some characters store the clone in secret room somewhere inside the stronghold, while others leave the clone with the wizard that cast the spell for safe-keeping. This is a single use spell and must be recast if another clone is needed.
Cost (Regular Casting):
140 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
400 gp
Related Magic Item:
Everburning Torch
Continual Flame
Level: 2
Spellcasters: Cleric, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 140 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 400 gp
Spell Details: Continual Flame (PHB p227)
A very useful spell for many strongholds. Once cast, a magic flame appears, equivalent in brightness to a torch. With a
continual flame, you don't have to worry about feeding fires, refilling lanterns, or replacing candles. The continual flame burns endlessly and cannot be put out by normal means.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
This spell is typically cast upon an object, like a torch, sconce, candle, lantern or chandelier. The permanent version of this spell allows any creature that utters the correct command words within 5 feet of the flame to ignite or extinguish the flame (the spell is permanent and does not need to be recast). This spell is magically linked to the stronghold, and will be dispelled if the flame is moved over 120 feet from the stronghold.
Cost (Regular Casting):
160 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
10000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Helm of Teleportation (DMG p174)
Dimension Door
Level: 4
Spellcasters: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 160 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 10000 gp
Spell Details: Dimension Door (PHB p233)
Dimension door is essentially a portal from one room in your stronghold to another (as long as it is less than 500 feet away). The original casting of this spell is instantaneous and takes an action to cast.
A creative builder can use this spell to create unique structures, puzzles and traps. For example, the
dimension door spell can lead to a room with no doors buried deep underneath the stronghold, such as a vault or a prison cell.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A permanent
dimension door takes a month to cast, and the magical "door" must be activated with a specified condition (determined during the casting casting). When inactive, a character may not even know the portal exists (unless they cast
detect magic or meet a condition that activates the door). Some example conditions include: a "key" or object must be carried within 30 feet of the door; a password needs to be uttered; or no condition is needed and the door is always "open". The conditions to activate the door can be different for both sides, but once activated on either side, the door remains open on both sides for 5 rounds. Once activated, anyone can see through the doorway to the other side, and walking through does not cause any odd effects or sensations (they may not know they are walking through a magic door).
Cost (Regular Casting):
2360 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Drawmij's Instant Summons
Level: 6
Spellcasters: Wizard
Cost to Cast: 2360 gp
Spell Details: Drawmij's Instant Summons (PHB p235)
This spell is useful for retrieving valuable goods that may be lost or stolen from your stronghold. The spell magically links a 1,000 gp sapphire to an object, which can be summoned to instantly appear in your hand when the gem is crushed. Or, if the object is held by someone, the object will not be transported, but instead you learn who the creature is and roughly where they are at that moment. Once the gem is crushed and the item retrieved (or information gathered), the spell is complete and can not be recast.
Cost (Regular Casting):
10 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
5000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Ring of Feather Falling (DMG p191)
Feather Fall
Level: 1
Spellcasters: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 10 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 5000 gp
Spell Details: Feather Fall (PHB p239)
Feather fall can be used to float safety down to the bottom of shafts, steep corridors and slides.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
Typically cast as a reaction for 1 minute, the permanent version of this spell usually fills a 30-foot radius sphere, or less (and can be shaped to fit corridors, slides and shafts). The spell can be cast multiple times, so someone can float down further than 60 feet.
Cost (Regular Casting):
10 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
2000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Eversmoking Bottle (DMG p168)
Fog Cloud
Level: 1
Spellcasters: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 10 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 2000 gp
Spell Details: Fog Cloud (PHB p243)
fog cloud can hide a stronghold in a veil of fog, even if only temporarily. It can obscure a battlefield, cover a moat or lake, or make it difficult to see in a room.
Fog clouds can also be triggered by traps. The spell lasts up to 1 hour, and covers a 20-foot radius per spell level (enshrouding an entire stronghold would require several high level castings of the spell). Note: a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the fog cloud completely.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A permanent
fog cloud would take over a week to cast, last as long as a year, and cost significantly more. In addition, while a moderate wind disperses a normal
fog cloud, A permanent
fog cloud would return in 1d4 rounds. The cost is per 20ft sphere.
Cost (Regular Casting):
460 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
14000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Level: 6
Spellcasters: Cleric
Cost to Cast: 460 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 14000 gp
Spell Details: Forbiddance (PHB p243)
This spell wards an area against magical travel, that protects up to 40,000 square feet of floor space to a height of 30 feet above the floor. Creatures can't teleport into the area or use portals, such as those created by the
gate spell, to enter the area. It also causes damage to specified creature types that enters the area, if they do not utter a password. As stated in the official spell description: "If you cast forbiddance every day for 30 days in the same location, the spell lasts until it is dispelled" The DM may allow the spell to be casted quicker, using expensive arcane rituals and rare components.
Cost (Regular Casting):
490 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Glyph of Warding
Level: 3
Spellcasters: Bard, Cleric, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 490 gp
Spell Details: Glyph of Warding (PHB p245)
Similar to the
Symbol spell. This spell is used to protect areas of a stronghold. When this spell is cast, a magic glyph is place on an object or surface, which is triggered by some action (something is touched or opened, an area is entered, incorrect password is said, etc.). Once triggered, the glyph is activated causing either an explosion or setting off a spell (level 3 or lower). Once the spell is triggered, the glyph is destroyed and the spell can not be reset.
Cost (Regular Casting):
361 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
130000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Guards and Wards
Level: 6
Spellcasters: Bard, Wizard
Cost to Cast: 361 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 130000 gp
Spell Details: Guards and Wards (PHB p248)
This spell is widely used in strongholds. The spell protects up to 2,500 square feet of floor space with various effects such as heavily obscuring a corridor with fog, locking door with arcane lock spells, filling stairwells with webs, and more (see the spell details for a full list). According to the spell description, "You can create a permanently guarded and warded structure by casting this spell there every day for one year." A DM may allow an experienced wizard to make the spell permanent much quicker by performing some expensive rituals that take only a week.
Cost (Regular Casting):
40 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
500 gp
Related Magic Item:
Wind Fan (DMG p213)
Gust of Wind
Level: 2
Spellcasters: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 40 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 500 gp
Spell Details: Gust of Wind (PHB p248)
This spell can help ventilate underground passageways or other parts of a stronghold that may otherwise become dank and mildewy. The spell is especially useful in storage areas, basements and dungeons. The spell can also be cast on one side of a flagpole standing over the stronghold, ensuring that the flag or banner constantly billows dramatically.
Gust of wind can also be used to power windmills and other mechanical devices.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
The original spell lasts only 1 minute, but an adept spellcaster may be able to make the spell permanent, until dispelled.
Cost (Regular Casting):
160 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
4000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Deck of Illusions (DMG p161)
Hallucinatory Terrain
Level: 4
Spellcasters: Bard, Druid, Warlock, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 160 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 4000 gp
Spell Details: Hallucinatory Terrain (PHB p249)
hallucinatory terrain spell can make a patch of terrain near the stronghold look and smell like some other sort of terrain, although the tactile characteristics of the terrain are not changed. A field can appear like a swamp, a lake like a grassy field, or a rock-strewn gully like a wide and smooth road. The spell lasts for 24 hours and covers 150 square feet. For a larger, more powerful effect, see the
mirage arcana spell.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
The spell can have a longer duration if cast at a higher level. Cast at level 5, and the spell will last 1 week. Cast at level 6, and the spell will last for 1 month. At level 7, 3 months. Level 8, 6 months. Level 9, 1 year and a day. For a permanent version of the spell, a quest may need to be taken.
Cost (Regular Casting):
40 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
5000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Ring of Invisibility (DMG p191)
Level: 2
Spellcasters: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 40 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 5000 gp
Spell Details: Invisibility (PHB p254)
The original spell is cast on "a creature", but a DM may allow the spell to be cast on an inanimate object or surface. As such, this spell is extremely useful to stronghold builders.
Invisibility can be used to make protected windows by turning part of a stone wall transparent. Cast on a roof, and it becomes a skylight. Cast the spell on a locked iron box, and it becomes a secure and transparent display case. Cast it on a bridge over a pit, and the area seems impassable. The spell can hide treasure chests and valuable objects.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A permanent invisibility spell lasts until dispelled (as opposed to only 1 hour). The spell is linked directly to the stronghold — if the object is moved over 30 feet from where the spell was initially cast, the effect ends.
Cost (Regular Casting):
10260 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
30000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Oil of Etherealness (DMG p183)
Leomund's Secret Chest
Level: 4
Spellcasters: Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 10260 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 30000 gp
Spell Details: Leomund's Secret Chest (PHB p254)
This spell hides a chest, and its contents, on the Ethereal Plane, keeping valuables in a safe place. The chest can be hidden and recalled using a tiny replica of the chest. After 60 days, the original spell has a 5% chance per day that the effect ends (and if the chest in on the Ethereal Plane when it ends, the chest is lost). This limitation is often too risky for long-term storage.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
The permanent version of this spell removes the chance of the spell ending after 60 days while the chest in on the ethereal plane. As long as the chest and its replica are never removed from the stronghold, the spell effect will only end if dispelled. If either chest is moved over 120 feet away from the stronghold, the spell ends.
Cost (Regular Casting):
40 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
5000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Boots of Levitation (DMG p155)
Level: 2
Spellcasters: Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 40 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 5000 gp
Spell Details: Levitate (PHB p255)
Levitate is a very useful spell in multilevel strongholds with few stairs, elevators or ladders. The spell is often used to move from floor to floor, or across large pits.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
levitate spells are often cast upon platforms that act as elevators in strongholds. Some are activated by using command words, touching objects or pushing buttons. Most of these moving platforms are restricted to a specific range and distance within the stronghold.
Cost (Regular Casting):
10 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
500 gp
Related Magic Item:
Gem of Brightness (DMG p171)
Level: Cantrip
Spellcasters: Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 10 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 500 gp
Spell Details: Light (PHB p255)
The light spell can create a temporary light source in your stronghold, for up to one hour. The spell is typically cast on an object like a candlestick, torch or wall sconce and sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A "lit" object can act as a permanent light source in a stronghold. The permanent version of this spell reacts to verbal commands that can make the lights extinguish, ignite, dim and brighten. Anyone uttering one of the command words within 10 feet of the light can affect the light. The lit object is linked directly to the stronghold, and cannot move farther than 120 feet from the structure.
Cost (Regular Casting):
60 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
500 gp
Related Magic Item:
Magic Mouth
Level: 2
Spellcasters: Bard, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 60 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 500 gp
Spell Details: Magic Mouth (PHB p257)
This spell causes a verbal message to be delivered when a set of defined conditions are met (i.e. when a creature moves within 30 feet of a doorway, or when an object is touched). The spell can be used as an audible alarm, like shouting for the guards when an intruder enters a restricted area. Once the spell is triggered, it can deliver the message one time, or continue to repeat it over and over. However, once the message is delivered, the original spell is complete and can't be reset.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
The permanent version of
Magic Mouth can deliver the message when triggered, go dormant for 10 minutes, and then reset until it gets triggered again.
Cost (Regular Casting):
90 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Deck of Illusions (DMG p161)
Major Image
Level: 3
Spellcasters: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 90 gp
Spell Details: Major Image (PHB p258)
This spell creates an illusion, complete with sounds, smells and temperature (although it does not cause direct damage). Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion. Strongholds use these spells for elaborate decorations, entertainment, and to hide treasures or traps. For example, the illusion can be a simple walls blocking a corridor, a large indoor waterfall, a caged animal instead of a treasure chest, a painting that moves, or a stone floor covering a pit full of spikes. While
major image is a 3rd level spell, when upcast at level 6, the illusion lasts until dispelled (hence the requirement for an 11th level wizard).
Cost (Regular Casting):
490 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
10000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Deck of Illusions (DMG p161)
Mirage Arcane
Level: 7
Spellcasters: Bard, Druid, Wizard
Cost to Cast: 490 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 10000 gp
Spell Details: Mirage Arcane (PHB p260)
mirage arcana spell can make the terrain surrounding the stronghold look, smell and feel some other sort of terrain. A field can appear like a swamp, or other difficult terrain. A lake or river can appear like a grassy field. The spell can even alter the appearance of the stronghold itself, adding towers and make the structure appear larger and more foreboding. The spell lasts for 10 days and cover 1 square mile.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
The spell can have a longer duration if cast at a higher level. Cast at level 8, and the spell will last 3 months. Cast at level 9, and the spell will last for 1 year and a day. For a permanent version of the spell, a quest may need to be taken.
Cost (Regular Casting):
250 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
2500 gp
Related Magic Item:
Crystal Ball of Mind Reading (DMG p159)
Modify Memory
Level: 5
Spellcasters: Bard, Wizard
Cost to Cast: 250 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 2500 gp
Spell Details: Modify Memory (PHB p261)
A stronghold is full of secrets, and those constructing the stronghold are keepers of those secrets. One way to ensure secrecy is to kill all of the workers, but that may not be an option for lawful and good characters. Alternatively, the
modify memory spell can be used to erase those secrets from a person's mind. However, because this spell only affects 10 minutes of memory, within the last 24 hours, you should limit the number of people working on the project, as well as the time they spend on the project. It can be quite a task to use the spell to destroy even an hour's worth of secrets in someone's head.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
The DM may allow a modified, more permanent version of this spell that lasts as long as 24 hours within the last week, but requires a completely willing subject and takes over an hour to cast — of course, this modified spell would require a skilled Enchanter that specializes in memory.
Cost (Regular Casting):
2250 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Wand of Binding (DMG p209)
Planar Binding
Level: 5
Spellcasters: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard
Cost to Cast: 2250 gp
Spell Details: Planar Binding (PHB p265)
This spell attempts to bind a celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend to your service. A 5th level casting of this spell binds the creature for 24 hours, while a 9th level casting of this spell can lasts for 1 year and a day. Some services include guarding a location, tending a forge or business operation, building structures and tunnels, cleaning and mending, etc. Note, the spell clearly states, "The creature obeys the letter of your instructions, but if the creature is hostile to you, it strives to twist your words to achieve its own objectives."
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A 9th level wizard can bind a creature for 24 hours, but a 17th level wizard can bind a creature for 1 year and a day (see spell details).
Cost (Regular Casting):
363 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Deck of Illusions (DMG p161)
Programmed Illusion
Level: 6
Spellcasters: Bard, Wizard
Cost to Cast: 363 gp
Spell Details: Programmed Illusion (PHB p269)
This spell can be used to produces a triggered illusion (no larger than a 30-foot cube), complete with sounds and smells. The illusion is activated by a specified action, and lasts for up to 5 minutes. The spell remains in place until dispelled, but once triggered the spell will go dormant for 10 minutes before it can be activated again.
A programmed illusion spell has many uses in a stronghold — It can be used to create an illusory demon appear if someone enters a restricted area in order to scare them off. Or it can show an imaginary drawbridge lower over a pit — a bridge that isn't really there. It can cause an hoard of creatures to appear behind the party, forcing them to run forward into danger.
Cost (Regular Casting):
3490 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Level: 7
Spellcasters: Wizard
Cost to Cast: 3490 gp
Spell Details: Simulacrum (PHB p276)
This spell creates an illusory duplicate of one beast or humanoid, which can be used to keep watch over your stronghold. The simulacrum lacks the ability to learn or become more powerful, so it never increases its level or other abilities, nor can it regain expended spell slots. However, having a duplicate with half your hit points acting as a ward or guardian of a stronghold can be useful.
Cost (Regular Casting):
90 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
10000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Eversmoking Bottle (DMG p168)
Stinking Cloud
Level: 3
Spellcasters: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 90 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 10000 gp
Spell Details: Stinking Cloud (PHB p278)
Similar to the
fog cloud spell, a
stinking cloud can cause anyone caught inside to retch and reel. The cloud is often used to block forbidden areas or as an effected trap. Some stronghold owners use a stinking cloud in conjunction with an alarm spell, alerting them so they can deal with hindered intruders. The spell lasts up to 1 minute, and covers a 20-foot radius area (filling a large room may require several castings of the spell). Note: A moderate wind (10+ mph) disperses the cloud after 4 rounds. A strong wind (20+ mph) disperses it after 1 round.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A permanent
stinking cloud would take over a week to cast, last as long as a year, and cost significantly more. In addition, while a moderate wind disperses a normal
stinking cloud, A permanent
stinking cloud would return in 1d4 rounds. The cost is per 20ft sphere.
Cost (Regular Casting):
2490 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Level: 7
Spellcasters: Bard, Cleric, Wizard
Cost to Cast: 2490 gp
Spell Details: Symbol (PHB p280)
This spell is used to protect areas of a stronghold. When this spell is cast, a magic glyph is place on an object or surface, which is triggered by some action (something is touches, an area is entered, incorrect password is said, etc.). Once triggered, the symbol is activated causing an effect designated by the caster (damage, fear, sleep, insanity, etc.). Once the spell is triggered, the glyph is destroyed and the spell can not be reset.
Cost (Regular Casting):
350 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
125000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Helm of Teleportation (DMG p174)
Teleportation Circle
Level: 5
Spellcasters: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Cost to Cast: 350 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 125000 gp
Spell Details: Teleportation Circle (PHB p282)
This spell can teleport an entire party to one of the many permanent teleportation circles in the world (provided that the caster knows the sigil sequence of the destination). To create a permanent teleportation circle, one must cast the spell "in the same location every day for one year." This can cost a significant amount (since a single casting requires 50gp worth of consumed materials).
Cost (Regular Casting):
10 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
10000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Unseen Servant
Level: 1
Spellcasters: Bard, Warlock, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 10 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 10000 gp
Spell Details: Unseen Servant (PHB p284)
An unseen servant is useful in any stronghold, as there are always simple tasks that need to be done. The description states, "The servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do, such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, and pouring wine."
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A permanent unseen servant is rare and expensive. The servant is restricted to a stronghold's grounds, and if they are commanded to perform a task that would move it off the grounds, the spell ends. If it is reduced to 0 hit points, the spell ends.
Cost (Regular Casting):
160 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
20000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals (DMG p156)
Wall of Fire
Level: 4
Spellcasters: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 160 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 20000 gp
Spell Details: Wall of Fire (PHB p285)
wall of fire can be used to line the perimeter of a stronghold with walls of flame. Alternatively, these walls can be used to funnel attackers into a choke point. Some use a
wall of fire to heat strongholds or fuel furnaces.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
While a standard
wall of fire takes an action to cast and lasts up to 1 minute, a more permanent
wall of fire would take over 24 hours to cast and last as long as a year.
Cost (Regular Casting):
250 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
50000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Bead of Force (DMG p154)
Wall of Force
Level: 5
Spellcasters: Wizard
Cost to Cast: 250 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 50000 gp
Spell Details: Wall of Force (PHB p285)
wall of force is an invisible wall that is immune to all damage, and is impervious to dispel magic (although a
disintegrate spell destroys it instantly). These features make a
wall of force one of the best freestanding walls to surround a fortress, and one of the most expensive.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
While a standard
wall of force takes an action to cast and lasts up to 10 minutes, a more permanent
wall of force would take over 24 hours to cast and last as long as a year.
Cost (Regular Casting):
250 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
Related Magic Item:
Wall of Stone
Level: 5
Spellcasters: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Cost to Cast: 250 gp
Spell Details: Wall of Stone (PHB p287)
Typically, it is much cheaper and aesthetically pleasing to build a stone wall then create them magically, but the spell is much quicker. And, while a magical
wall of stone is extremely strong, it is only 3 to 6 inches thick once cast and cannot stand vertically over 20 feet — making it a good temporary solution during sieges and battles. As per the spell description, "if you maintain concentration on this spell for its whole duration, the wall becomes permanent and can't be dispelled."
Cost (Regular Casting):
360 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
4000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Quaal's Feather Token, Tree (DMG p188)
Wall of Thorns
Level: 6
Spellcasters: Druid
Cost to Cast: 360 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 4000 gp
Spell Details: Wall of Thorns (PHB p287)
The spell creates a wall of tough, pliable, tangled brush covered with needle-sharp thorns. Creatures can pass through the wall, albeit very slowly, taking damage from the prickly thorns. The spell is good at dissuading, slowing and piercing the flesh of intruders.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
While a standard
wall of thorns takes an action to cast and lasts up to 10 minutes, a more permanent
wall of sand would take over 24 hours to cast and last as long as a year.
Cost (Regular Casting):
40 gp
Cost (Permanancy):
1000 gp
Related Magic Item:
Wand of Web (DMG p212)
Level: 2
Spellcasters: Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
Cost to Cast: 40 gp
Cost to Cast: (permanently) 1000 gp
Spell Details: Web (PHB p287)
Webbing an area of a stronghold can tangle intruders and slow their movement. Webs are considered difficult terrain and have a chance of restraining anyone passing through the 20 square foot of spider webs. While most webbing can easily be burned away, webs are highly effective at the bottom of shallow pits and trapped areas.
Permanent Version (Optional Spell Modifications)
A web spell usually lasts only 1 hour with concentration. A permanent web spell can last for over a year.