1 creature or nonmagical object (neither worn nor carried), that you see within range, shape-shifts into a different creature or a nonmagical object. An unwilling creature can make a Wis save. Success: it isn't affected.
Creature into Creature. The new form is any creature with a CR equal to or less than the target's CR / level. The target's stats are replaced by the stat block of the new form, but it retains its HP, HP Dice, alignment, and personality. The target gains Temp HP equal to the HP of the new form. The spell if there are no Temp HP left.
Object into Creature. You can turn an object into a creature with a CR of 9 or less, and is no larger than the object's size. The creature is Friendly to you and obeys your commands.
Creature into Object. You turn a creature into an object (of similar size). It transforms along with whatever it is wearing & carrying into that form.
For full details on each transformation, see the PHB.
Material Component:
a drop of mercury, a dollop of gum arabic, and a wisp of smoke
Verbal Component:
Transfiguramos Vere