Project Image
Level 7 Illusion
Magic School
Casting Time
1 action
V, S, M
500 miles
Up to 1 day
You create an illusory copy of yourself that lasts for the duration. The copy can appear at any location within range that you have seen before, regardless of intervening obstacles. The illusion looks and sounds like you, but it is intangible. If the illusion takes any damage, it disappears, and the spell ends.

You can see through the illusion’s eyes and hear through its ears as if you were in its space. As a Magic action, you can move it up to 60 feet and make it gesture, speak, and behave in whatever way you choose. It mimics your mannerisms perfectly.

Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be illusory, since things can pass through it. A creature that takes the Study action to examine the image can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image, and any noise it makes sounds hollow to the creature.
Material Components
Material Component: a statuette of yourself worth 5+ GP
Verbal Components
Verbal Component: Emittet Imago
Bard, Wizard
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