Programmed Illusion
Level 6 Illusion
Magic School
Casting Time
1 action
V, S, M
120 ft (30 ft cube*)
Until dispelled
You create an illusion of an object, a creature, or some other phenomenon within range that activates when a specific trigger occurs. It must be no larger than a 30' Cube. You decide how the illusion behaves and what sounds it makes when its triggered (up to 5 min).

Once the illusion finishes, it disappears and remains dormant for 10 min (then can be activated again).

The trigger must be based on visual or audible phenomena that occur within 30' of the area.

Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be illusory (things pass through it). If a creature takes the Study action with a successful Int (Investigation) against your spell save DC, if can see through the image.
Material Components
Material Component: jade dust worth 25+ GP
Verbal Components
Verbal Component: Allucinatio Incogito
Bard, Wizard
Print on 8.5"x11" paper. For best results, use the following printer settings: Print at 100% (do not shrink, or enlarge); Turn on "print with background graphics;" hide "header and footer" (if given the option); and turn on "Borderless printing" (Internet Explorer). Best to print in color. Note: Microsoft Edge DOES NOT support printing background colors or images, so we do not recommend printing the cards in the browser.

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