Prismatic Spray
Level 7 Evocation
Magic School
Casting Time
1 action
V, S
Self (60 ft cone)
8 rays of light flash from you in a 60' Cone. Each creature in the Cone makes a Dex save. For each target, roll 1d8 to determine which color ray affects it:
1. Red. Fail: 12d6 Fire dmg. Success: 1/2 dmg.
2. Orange. Fail: 12d6 Acid dmg. Success: 1/2 dmg.
3. Yellow. Fail: 12d6 Lightning dmg. Success: 1/2 dmg.
4. Green. Fail: 12d6 Poison dmg. Success: 1/2 dmg.
5. Blue. Fail: 12d6 Cold dmg. Success: 1/2 dmg.
6. Indigo. Fail: The target is Restrained. Con save at the end of each of its turns. Success: the condition ends. Fail 3x: It becomes Petrified.
7. Violet. Fail: The target is Blinded and makes a Wis save at the start of your next turn. Success: the condition ends. Fail: the condition ends, and the creature teleports to another plane (DM's choice).
8. Special. The target is struck by 2 rays. Roll twice, reroll an 8.

See PHB for complete spell description.
Verbal Components
Verbal Component: Coloro Spargo
Damage Type
Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
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