Magic Jar
Level 6 Necromancy
Magic School
Casting Time
1 minute
V, S, M
Until dispelled
Your body falls into a catatonic state as your soul enters a magic jar (material component). The only action you can take is to project your soul up to 100' out of the container.

You can attempt to possess any Humanoid within 100' that you can see. The target makes a Cha save. Fail: Your soul enters the target's body, and the target's soul is trapped in the jar (Incapacitated). Success: the target resists (and can't be possessed for 24 hrs). You control the creature's body. Your HP, HP Dice, Str, Dex, Con, Speed, and senses are replaced by the creature's. You otherwise keep your game stats. While possessing, you can take a Magic action to return to the jar (if within 100'), returning the host's soul to its body. If the host body dies, the creature dies, and you make a Cha save against your spellcasting DC. Success: you return to the jar. Fail: you die.

See PHB for full spell details.
Material Components
Material Component: a gem, crystal, or reliquary worth 500+ GP
Verbal Components
Verbal Component: Medeis Ollo Decipulo
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