Magic Circle
Level 3 Abjuration
Magic School
Casting Time
1 minute
V, S, M
10 ft (10 ft cylinder*)
1 hour
You create a 10'-radius, 20'-tall Cylinder of energy centered on a point on the ground you see within range. Glowing runes appear wherever the Cylinder intersects with the floor or surface.

Choose 1 or more of the following types of creatures: Celestials, Elementals, Fey, Fiends, or Undead. The circle affects a creature of the chosen type in the following ways:
  • The creature can't willingly enter by nonmagical means. If the creature tries to use teleportation or interplanar travel to do so, it must first succeed a Cha save.
  • The creature has Disadv on attack rolls against targets inside.
  • Targets inside can't be possessed, Charmed or Frightened by the creature.
When casting, you can cause its magic to operate in the reverse direction. See PHB for full details.
At Higher Levels
The duration increases by 1 hour for each spell slot level above 3.
Material Components
Material Component: salt and powdered silver worth 100+ GP, which the spell consumes
Verbal Components
Verbal Component: Expecto Medeis Orbis
Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard, Rogue
Print on 8.5"x11" paper. For best results, use the following printer settings: Print at 100% (do not shrink, or enlarge); Turn on "print with background graphics;" hide "header and footer" (if given the option); and turn on "Borderless printing" (Internet Explorer). Best to print in color. Note: Microsoft Edge DOES NOT support printing background colors or images, so we do not recommend printing the cards in the browser.

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