Enlarge / Reduce
Level 2 Transmutation
Magic School
Casting Time
1 action
V, S, M
30 ft
Up to 1 minute
For the duration, the spell enlarges or reduces a creature or an object you can see within range (see the chosen effect below). A targeted object must be neither worn nor carried. If the target is an unwilling creature, it can make a Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the spell has no effect.

Everything that a targeted creature is wearing and carrying changes size with it. Any item it drops returns to normal size at once. A thrown weapon or piece of ammunition returns to normal size immediately after it hits or misses.

Enlarge. The target's size increases by one category. The target also has Adv on Str checks and saves. The target's attacks with its enlarged weapons or Unarmed Strikes deal an extra 1d4 dmg.

Reduce. The target's size decreases by 1 category. The target also has Disadv on Str checks and saves. The target's attacks with its reduced weapons or Unarmed Strikes deal 1d4 less dmg (can't be below 1).
Material Components
Material Component: a pinch of powdered iron
Verbal Components
Verbal Component: Magnitudo Incremento (Enlarge) / Diminuito (Reduce)
Bar, Dru, Sor, Wiz, Rog, Art
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