Delayed Blast Fireball
Level 7 Evocation
Magic School
Casting Time
1 action
V, S, M
150 ft (20 ft sphere)
Up to 1 minute
A beam of yellow light flashes from you, then condenses at a chosen point within range for the duration. When the spell ends, the bead explodes, and each creature in a 20' radius Sphere centered on that point makes a Dex save. Fail: Fire damage equal to the total accumulated dmg. Success: 1/2 the dmg.

The spell's base dmg is 12d6, and the dmg increases by 1d6 whenever your turn ends and the spell hasn't ended.

If a creature touches the bead before the spell ends, that creature makes a Dex save. Fail: The bead to explode. Success: the creature can throw the bead 40'. If the thrown bead enters a creature's space or collides with a solid object, the bead explodes. When the bead explodes, flammable objects in the explosion that aren't being worn or carried start burning.
At Higher Levels
The base damage increases by 1d6 for each spell slot level above 7.
Material Components
Material Component: a ball of bat guano and sulfur
Verbal Components
Verbal Component: Mora Ignis Orbis
Damage Type
Sorcerer, Wizard
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