Up to 10 minutes
You control any water inside a Cube up to 100' on a side, using 1 of the following effects. As a Magic action (on your later turns) you can choose a different effect.
Flood. The water level in the area rises by 20'. H or smaller craft have a 25% chance of capsizing.
Part Water. Water in the area to moves apart and creates a trench.
Redirect Flow. You cause flowing water to move in a direction you choose.
Whirlpool. You cause a whirlpool to form (which must be 50' wide at the top and 25' tall). Any creature/object in the water and within 25' of the vortex is pulled 10' toward it. When a creature enters the whirlpool for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there, it must make a Str save. Fail: 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is caught in the vortex until the spell ends. Success: 1/2 the dmg. A creature can swim away from the whirlpool only if it 1st takes an action to pull away and succeeds on a Str (Athletics) check against your spell save DC. See PHB for more info.
Material Component:
a mixture of water and dust
Verbal Component:
Tempero Corpus di Aqua