Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
You touch a dead Humanoid or a piece of one. If the creature has been dead no longer than 10 days, the spell forms a new body for it and calls the soul to enter that body. Roll 1d10 to determine the body's species (or the DM chooses).
The reincarnated creature makes any choices that a species' description offers, and the creature recalls its former life. It retains the capabilities it had in its original form, except it loses the traits of its previous species and gains the traits of its new one.
Material Component:
rare oils worth 1,000+ GP, which the spell consumes
Verbal Component:
Renascentia Quia Natus ut Alius
Verbal Component (Alternative):
A mystic journey, in cosmic sway; Grant a new body, for life to replay.
Class: Druid
Tags: Healing
Source: Player's Handbook (2024) (page 311)
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Other Planes and Effects
Below is information about this spell as it relates to other planes and area of effects (i.e. underwater). Some of the information is pulled official D&D sources (such as books and the twitter feeds of D&D officials), but other information is derived from forums and online discussions. As always, it is up to the DM to decide how they wish to handle spell effects.
Underwater - Verbal Component
Official rules have been verified by Jeremy Crawford - "No rule prohibits verbal components from working underwater. Keep in mind that if you're talking, you're not holding your breath." Hence, while submerged underwater and holding its breath, a creature can cast a spell that requires a verbal component. After casting the spell, if the creature can't breathe underwater, it immediately runs out of breath. The creature can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round).