Riddle 362
I build up castles.
I tear down mountains.
I make some men blind,
I help others to see.
What am I?
Riddle 363
With thieves I consort,
With the vilest, in short,
I'm quite at ease in depravity;
Yet all divines use me,
And savants can't lose me,
For I am the center of gravity.
Letter 'V'
Riddle 364
When I am filled
I can point the way,
When I am empty
Nothing moves me,
I have two skins
One without and one within.
Riddle 365
Lovely and round,
I shine with pale light,
grown in the darkness,
A lady's delight.
Riddle 366
To unravel me
You need a simple key,
No key that was made
By locksmith's hand,
But a key that only I
Will understand.
Cipher, code
Riddle 367
I drive men mad
For love of me,
Easily beaten,
Never free.
Riddle 368
Until I am measured
I am not known,
Yet how you miss me
When I have flown.
Riddle 369
All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.
Riddle 370
This darksome burn, horseback brown,
His rollock highroad roaring down,
In coop and in comb the fleece of his foam
Flutes and low to the body falls home.
What is this writer talking about?
A river, (Gerard Manley Hopkins)
Riddle 371
Many-maned scud-thumper,
Maker of worn wood,
Portly pusher,
Ocean, (John Updike)
Riddle 373
I have a leg but I do not move,
A face but no expression,
Be it wind or rain I stay outside.
What am I?
Riddle 374
It's in your hand though you can not feel it.
Only you and time can reveal it.
Riddle 375
What has curves, but is not living?
A river
Riddle 376
A black hearted creature with a sting from behind,
Minus my last letter from my name and you shall find;
People believe in my predicting ways
Yet its luck that guides them right.
What am I?
scorpion ... minus the N is Scorpio, the horoscope sign
Riddle 377
Three lives have I.
Gentle enough to soothe the skin,
Light enough to caress the sky,
Hard enough to crack rocks
Riddle 378
Thirty white horses,
Standing on a red hill,
First they stomp,
Then they chomp,
Then they stand still.
What am i?
Riddle 379
What gets wetter when it dries?
A towel
Riddle 380
You are in a cold house in the winter. It is dark. You have one match. There is a candle and a wood burning stove. Which do you light first?
The match
Riddle 381
Ripped from my mother's womb, Beaten and burned, I become a blood-thirsty slayer. What am I?
Iron ore
Riddle 382
Lives in winter, dies in summer, grows with its root upwards. What is it?