D&D Adventuring Gear
D&D Equipment & Supplies

Adventuring Gear

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Adventuring Gear
Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
A standard tool used to make calculations.
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Cost: 25 gp
Cheap: 20 gp
Expensive: 50 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.
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Cost: 50 gp
Cheap: 40 gp
Expensive: 100 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.
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Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
20 arrows. Arrows are used with a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
Blowgun needles are used with a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 1 ½ lb.
20 crossbow bolts. Crossbow bolts are used with a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
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Cost: 4 cp
Cheap: 3 cp
Expensive: 8 cp
Weight: 1 ½ lb.
Sling bullets are used with a sling to make a ranged attack. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
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Cost: 50 gp
Cheap: 40 gp
Expensive: 100 gp
A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.
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Arcane Focus
Cost: 10 gp
Cheap: 8 gp
Expensive: 20 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
An arcane focus is a special item designed to channel the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a spellcasting focus.
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Cost: 20 gp
Cheap: 16 gp
Expensive: 40 gp
Weight: 3 lb.
An arcane focus is a special item designed to channel the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a spellcasting focus.
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Cost: 10 gp
Cheap: 8 gp
Expensive: 20 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
An arcane focus is a special item designed to channel the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a spellcasting focus.
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Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 4 lb.
An arcane focus is a special item designed to channel the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a spellcasting focus.
Cost: 10 gp
Cheap: 8 gp
Expensive: 20 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
An arcane focus is a special item designed to channel the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a spellcasting focus.
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Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 5 lb.
A backpack is a leather pack carried on the back, typically with straps to secure it. A backpack can hold 1 cubic foot/ 30 pounds of gear. You can also strap items, such as a bedroll or a coil of rope, to the outside of a backpack.
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Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. A creature moving across the covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the save.
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Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 70 lb.
A barrel can hold 40 gallons of liquid, or 4 cubic feet of solid material.
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Cost: 4 sp
Cheap: 3 sp
Expensive: 8 sp
Weight: 2 lb.
A basket can hold 2 cubic feet/40 pounds of gear.
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Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 7 lb.
You never know where you’re going to sleep, and a bedroll helps you get better sleep in a hayloft or on the cold ground. A bedroll consists of bedding and a blanket thin enough to be rolled up and tied. In an emergency, it can double as a stretcher.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
A standard bell that rings, typically used for signaling.
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Cost: 5 sp
Cheap: 4 sp
Expensive: 1 gp
Weight: 3 lb.
A thick, quilted, blanket made to keep you warm in cold weather.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 5 lb.
A set of pulleys with a cable threaded through them and a hook to attach to objects, a block and tackle allows you to hoist up to four times the weight you can normally lift.
Cost: 25 gp
Cheap: 20 gp
Expensive: 50 gp
Weight: 5 lb.
A book might contain poetry, historical accounts, information pertaining to a particular field of lore, diagrams and notes on gnomish contraptions, or just about anything else that can be represented using text or pictures. A book of spells is a spellbook.
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Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
A bottle can hold 1 1/2 pints of liquid.
Cost: 5 cp
Cheap: 4 cp
Expensive: 1 sp
Weight: 2 lb.
A bucket can hold 3 gallons of liquid, or 1/2 cubic foot of solid material.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
As an action, you can spread a bag of caltrops to cover a square area that is 5 feet on a side. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature's walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the save.
Cost: 1 cp
Cheap: 1 cp
Expensive: 2 cp
For 1 hour, a candle sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
This wooden case can hold up to twenty crossbow bolts.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
This cylindrical leather case can hold up to ten rolled-up sheets of paper or five rolled-up sheets of parchment.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 10 lb.
A chain has 10 hit points. It can be burst with a successful DC 20 Strength check.
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Cost: 1 cp
Cheap: 1 cp
Expensive: 2 cp
A piece of chalk used for writing and marking on various surfaces.
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Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 25 lb.
A chest can hold 12 cubic feet/ 300 pounds of gear.
Cost: 25 gp
Cheap: 20 gp
Expensive: 50 gp
Weight: 12 lb.
The use of a Climber’s Kit allows a creature to easily scale cliffs, castle walls, and more, as well as helping you not fall to your death if you do slip.

A climber's kit includes 10 special pitons, boot tips, gloves, 50 feet of hempen rope, and a harness.

Athletics: You can use your strength to pull yourself up rocky surfaces.

History: You know the history of climbing. You may know of mountains that have been a struggle for adventurers, and may have heard of deep, dark tunnels where others have been.

Investigation: As you are climbing, you can tell what handholds are likely real and what are fake (even illusions).

Nature: You may know the approximate distance to a mountain range in the distance. And, as you get closer, you may be able to tell how difficult it is to climb.

Survival: Being an avid climber, you may know how to survive on a mountain. This involves determining the weather at high altitude, and surviving cold temperatures when climbing mountains.
Cost: 5 sp
Cheap: 4 sp
Expensive: 1 gp
Weight: 3 lb.
This set of clothes could consist of a loose shirt and baggy breeches, or a loose shirt and skirt or overdress. Cloth wrappings are used for shoes.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 4 lb.
This set of clothes is fashioned after a particular costume, typically meant for entertaining.
Cost: 15 gp
Cheap: 12 gp
Expensive: 30 gp
Weight: 6 lb.
This set of clothes is designed specifically to be expensive and to show it, including fancy, tailored clothes in whatever fashion happens to be the current style in the courts of the nobles. Precious metals and gems could be worked into the clothing.
Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 4 lb.
This set of clothes could consist of boots, a wool skirt or breeches, a sturdy belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), and an ample cloak with a hood.
Cost: 25 gp
Cheap: 20 gp
Expensive: 50 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
A component pouch is a small, watertight leather belt pouch that has compartments to hold all the material components and other special items you need to cast your spells, except for those components that have a specific cost (as indicated in a spell's description).
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Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 5 lb.
Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength checks where the crowbar's leverage can be applied.
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Druidic Focus
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
A druid can use a Sprig of Mistletoe (or holly) as a spellcasting focus.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
A druid can use a Totem as a spellcasting focus.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 4 lb.
A druid can use a Wooden Staff as a spellcasting focus.
Cost: 10 gp
Cheap: 8 gp
Expensive: 20 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
A druid can use a Yew Wand as a spellcasting focus.
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Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 4 lb.
This kit includes a wooden rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel hooks, lead sinkers, velvet lures, and narrow netting.
Cost: 2 cp
Cheap: 2 cp
Expensive: 4 cp
Weight: 1 lb.
A flask or tankard can hold 1 pint of liquid.
Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 4 lb.
When tied to the end of a rope, a grappling hook can secure the rope to a battlement, window ledge, tree limb, or other protrusion.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 3 lb.
This one-handed hammer with an iron head is useful for pounding pitons into a wall.
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Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 10 lb.
This two-handed, iron-headed hammer is good for smashing open treasure chests.
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Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 3 lb.
This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Holy Symbol
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon. A cleric or paladin can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon. A cleric or paladin can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon. A cleric or paladin can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield.
Cost: 25 gp
Cheap: 20 gp
Expensive: 50 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.

A cleric or paladin may create holy water by performing a special ritual. The ritual takes 1 hour to perform, uses 25 gp worth of powdered silver, and requires the caster to expend a 1st-level spell slot.
Cost: 25 gp
Cheap: 20 gp
Expensive: 50 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
A standard hourglass used to measure the passage of time.
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Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 25 lb.
When you use your action to set it, this trap forms a saw-toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on a pressure plate in the center. The trap is affixed by a heavy chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven into the ground. A creature that steps on the plate must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage and stop moving. Thereafter, until the creature breaks free of the trap, its movement is limited by the length of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Each failed check deals 1 piercing damage to the trapped creature.
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Cost: 10 gp
Cheap: 8 gp
Expensive: 20 gp
Ink is typically used with an ink pen to write.
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Cost: 2 cp
Cheap: 2 cp
Expensive: 4 cp
An ink pen is a wooden stick with a special tip on the end. It can also be a feathered quill with a sharpened tip. The tip draws ink in when dipped in a vial and leaves an ink trail when drawn across a surface.
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Cost: 2 cp
Cheap: 2 cp
Expensive: 4 cp
Weight: 4 lb.
A jug or pitcher can hold 1 gallon of liquid.
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Cost: 1 sp
Cheap: 8 cp
Expensive: 2 sp
Weight: 25 lb.
This item is a straight, simple wooden ladder.
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Cost: 5 sp
Cheap: 4 sp
Expensive: 1 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
A lamp casts bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil.
Cost: 10 gp
Cheap: 8 gp
Expensive: 20 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
A hooded lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. As an action, you can lower the hood, reducing the light to dim light in a 5-foot radius.
Cost: 10 gp
Cheap: 8 gp
Expensive: 20 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
A key is provided with the lock. Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick this lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Your DM may decide that better locks are available for higher prices.
Cost: 100 gp
Cheap: 80 gp
Expensive: 200 gp
This lens allows a closer look at small objects. It is also useful as a substitute for flint and steel when starting fires. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass requires light as bright as sunlight to focus, tinder to ignite, and about 5 minutes for the fire to ignite. A magnifying glass grants advantage on any ability check made to appraise or inspect an item that is small or highly detailed.
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Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 6 lb.
These metal restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping the manacles requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength check. Each set of manacles comes with one key. Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick the manacles' lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Manacles have 15 hit points.
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Cost: 2 sp
Cheap: 16 cp
Expensive: 4 sp
Weight: 1 lb.
This tin box contains a cup and simple cutlery. The box clamps together, and one side can be used as a cooking pan and the other as a plate or shallow bowl.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: ½ lb.
A steel mirror is handy when you want to look around corners, signal friends with reflected sunlight, keep an eye on a medusa, make sure that you look good enough to present yourself to the queen, or examine wounds that you’ve received on hard-to-see parts of your body.
Cost: 1 sp
Cheap: 8 cp
Expensive: 2 sp
Weight: 1 lb.
Oil usually comes in a clay flask that holds 1 pint. As an action, you can splash the oil in this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a target creature or object, treating the oil as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target is covered in oil. If the target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 5 fire damage from the burning oil. You can also pour a flask of oil on the ground to cover a 5-foot-square area, provided that the surface is level. If lit, the oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 5 fire damage to any creature that enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A creature can take this damage only once per turn.
Cost: 2 sp
Cheap: 16 cp
Expensive: 4 sp
A sheet of standard paper is made from cloth fibers.
Cost: 1 sp
Cheap: 8 cp
Expensive: 2 sp
A sheet of parchment is a piece of goat hide or sheepskin that has been prepared for writing on.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
A fragrant commodity typically used by the wealthy.
Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 10 lb.
A miner's pick is designed to concentrate the force of its blow on a small area.
Cost: 5 cp
Cheap: 4 cp
Expensive: 1 sp
Weight: ¼ lb.
When a wall doesn’t offer handholds and footholds, you can make your own. A piton is a steel spike with an eye through which you can loop a rope.
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Cost: 100 gp
Cheap: 80 gp
Expensive: 200 gp
You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying.
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Adventuring Gear
Cost: 5 cp
Cheap: 4 cp
Expensive: 1 sp
Weight: 7 lb.
When you suspect a trap, you can put the end of your 10-foot pole through that hole in the wall instead of reaching in with your hand.
Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 10 lb.
An iron pot can hold 1 gallon of liquid.
Cost: 50 gp
Cheap: 40 gp
Expensive: 100 gp
Weight: ½ lb.
A character who drinks the magical red fluid in this vial regains 2d4 + 2 hit points. Drinking or administering a potion takes an action.
Cost: 5 sp
Cheap: 4 sp
Expensive: 1 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
A cloth or leather pouch can hold 1/5 cubic foot/ 6 pounds of gear - or up to 20 sling bullets or 50 blowgun needles, among other things. Note: This is different from a component pouch - which is a compartmentalized pouch for holding spell components.
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Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
A quiver can hold up to 20 arrows.
Cost: 4 gp
Cheap: 3 gp
Expensive: 8 gp
Weight: 35 lb.
You can use a portable ram to break down doors. When doing so, you gain a +4 bonus on the Strength check. One other character can help you use the ram, giving you advantage on this check.
Cost: 5 sp
Cheap: 4 sp
Expensive: 1 gp
Weight: 2 lb.
Rations consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, including jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 4 lb.
A standard set of robes.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 10 lb.
Rope, has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check.

Unofficial: The rope can be used to push, drag, or lift 8500 lbs. The safe load weight for the rope is 800 lbs (for example: swinging on a rope puts more stress on it. Too much stress can cause the rope to fray or even break. Swinging on 800 lbs. is fine, but a DM could request a DC check if more weight it used).
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Cost: 10 gp
Cheap: 8 gp
Expensive: 20 gp
Weight: 5 lb.
Rope, has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check.

Unofficial: The rope can be used to push, drag, or lift 8500 lbs. The safe load weight for the rope is 800 lbs (for example: swinging on a rope puts more stress on it. Too much stress can cause the rope to fray or even break. Swinging on 800 lbs. is fine, but a DM could request a DC check if more weight it used).
Cost: 1 cp
Cheap: 1 cp
Expensive: 2 cp
Weight: ½ lb.
A sack can hold 1 cubic foot/ 30 pounds of gear.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Weight: 3 lb.
A scale includes a small balance, pans, and a suitable assortment of weights up to 2 pounds. With it, you can measure the exact weight of small objects, such as raw precious metals or trade goods, to help determine their worth.
Cost: 5 sp
Cheap: 4 sp
Expensive: 1 gp
When you press a signet ring into warm sealing wax, you leave an identifying mark.
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Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 5 lb.
A standard shovel used for digging.
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Cost: 5 cp
Cheap: 4 cp
Expensive: 1 sp
A small whistle used for signaling.
Cost: 5 gp
Cheap: 4 gp
Expensive: 10 gp
Each signet ring has a distinctive design carved into it. When you press this ring into warm sealing wax, you leave an identifying mark.
Cost: 2 cp
Cheap: 2 cp
Expensive: 4 cp
A commodity used for bathing.
Cost: 50 gp
Cheap: 40 gp
Expensive: 100 gp
Weight: 3 lb.
Essential for wizards, a spellbook is a leather-bound tome with 100 blank vellum pages suitable for recording spells.
Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
Weight: 5 lb.
Standard iron spikes typically used with a hammer.
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Cost: 1,000 gp
Cheap: 800 gp
Expensive: 2,000 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
Objects viewed through a spyglass are magnified to twice their size.
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Cost: 2 gp
Cheap: 16 sp
Expensive: 4 gp
Weight: 20 lb.
A simple and portable canvas shelter, a tent sleeps two.
Cost: 5 sp
Cheap: 4 sp
Expensive: 1 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
This small container holds flint, fire steel, and tinder (usually dry cloth soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire. Using it to light a torch -- or anything else with abundant, exposed fuel -- takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 minute.
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Cost: 1 cp
Cheap: 1 cp
Expensive: 2 cp
Weight: 1 lb.
A torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. If you make a melee attack with a burning torch and hit, it deals 1 fire damage.
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Cost: 1 gp
Cheap: 8 sp
Expensive: 2 gp
A vial can hold 4 ounces of liquid.
Cost: 2 sp
Cheap: 16 cp
Expensive: 4 sp
Weight: 5 lb.
A waterskin can hold 4 pints of liquid.
Cost: 1 cp
Cheap: 1 cp
Expensive: 2 cp
Weight: 1 lb.
A standard whetstone used to sharpen blades.
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