Selling magic items and arcane artifacts in D&D fantasy worlds.
D&D Core Info

Selling Magic Items

Selling by Rarity | Buyer's Offer Table

These tables give base prices for magic items, based on rarity, and determines an offer once a buyer is found (i.e. "the buyer offers half the price"). Alternatively, to view the prices for individual magic items, view the value on our magic items table.

Selling by Rarity

Rarity Base Price Days to
Find Buyer
d100 Roll
Common Base Price:  100 gp Days to
Find Buyer: 
d100 Roll
Uncommon Base Price:  500 gp Days to
Find Buyer: 
d100 Roll
Rare Base Price:  5,000 gp Days to
Find Buyer: 
Very rare Base Price:  50,000 gp Days to
Find Buyer: 
d100 Roll

* Apply this modifier to rolls on the Buyer's Offer table below.

Selling Magic Items
Buyer's Offer

d100 + Mod You Find...
01-20 You Find...:  A buyer offing a tenth of the base price
21-40 You Find...:  A buyer offing a quarter of the base price, and a shady buyer offering half the base price
41-80 You Find...:  A buyer offing half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price
81-90 You Find...:  A buyer offing a the full base price
91-00 You Find...:  a shady buyer offering one and a half times the base price, no questions asked

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