Selling by Rarity | Buyer's Offer Table
These tables give base prices for magic items, based on rarity, and determines an offer once a buyer is found (i.e. "the buyer offers half the price"). Alternatively, to view the prices for individual magic items, view the value on our magic items table.
Rarity | Base Price |
Days to Find Buyer |
d100 Roll Modifier* |
Common | Base Price: 100 gp |
Days to Find Buyer: 1d4 |
d100 Roll Modifier*: +10 |
Uncommon | Base Price: 500 gp |
Days to Find Buyer: 1d6 |
d100 Roll Modifier*: +0 |
Rare | Base Price: 5,000 gp |
Days to Find Buyer: 1d8 |
Very rare | Base Price: 50,000 gp |
Days to Find Buyer: 1d10 |
d100 Roll Modifier*: -20 |
* Apply this modifier to rolls on the Buyer's Offer table below.
d100 + Mod | You Find... |
01-20 | You Find...: A buyer offing a tenth of the base price |
21-40 | You Find...: A buyer offing a quarter of the base price, and a shady buyer offering half the base price |
41-80 | You Find...: A buyer offing half the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price |
81-90 | You Find...: A buyer offing a the full base price |
91-00 | You Find...: a shady buyer offering one and a half times the base price, no questions asked |